Proposing a program for AALL2012?

August is flying by and the deadline for AALL2012 proposals will be here before we know it!

If you would like CS-SIS to sponsor a session or workshop you are proposing, please share a draft with the board and program planning committee no later than Tuesday August 30. You can do this by using the share button that is next to the submit button when looking a proposal overview on the proposals site. Please direct them to me at mkribble at and I will share them with the other members of the committee from there.

This early review deadline allows us time to look at the proposals and give you feedback to help make them even better before the final AMPC (Annual Meeting Program Committee) deadline of September 15. We look specifically at things like the action verbs in learning outcomes, and whether the description is clear and within word count limits.

For more about CS program planning for 2012 including ideas from our CALI and AALL Philly brain storming sessions, please see the CS-SIS wiki or feel free to contact me directly.