Got a program idea for AALL 2011?

CS-SIS members:  There's still plenty of time to submit a proposal!  The deadline for submitting program and workshop proposals for the 2011 Annual Meeting was pushed back this year.  You now have until Sept. 15, 2010, to submit your proposals on the AALL website (  If you're planning to submit a proposal, please take a look at the resources available on the CS-SIS wiki at If you’d like CS-SIS to sponsor your program or workshop, please share your proposal with the Program Planning Committee. The timeline is:

  • August 30: Send draft to the Committee.  You can either email the draft to me ( or use the “Share” feature on the online form.
  • Sept. 8:  The Program Planning Committee will respond with any suggestions they have for making the proposal more likely to be accepted.
  • Sept. 15: Final proposals must be submitted using AALL’s online form.

If you're looking for ideas, possible topics could include:

  • Digital signage
  • Data creation/curation/display
  • User-based web design
  • Instructional video software and design
  • Lecture capture software

We look forward to seeing your proposal ideas.